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Nokia 6500 classic sw ver. 04.80 bugreport

kedd, 2008. január 8. 18:17 Címkék: blog teszt kép nokia english szakma

Nokia 6500 classic lifescale
  • After using the Camera via the Active standby interface or the menu, when returning to the standby screen you get the Media memory almost full. Delete items? warning. It's unlikely to get this, when 157 MB is the free memory amount.

  • When a profile is active where the incoming call alert is set to Beep once, you won't hear the alarm clock's tone, while selecting it from the Gallery. The preview doesn't play the music, just the beep.

  • Nokia 6230 and earlier models used keyboard layouts according to the phone language. So while pressing button 8 at an alphanumeric field, t u and v will be displayed. In this model the layout is connected to the prediction language. No matter what the phone language is, as the recognition is Hungarian, you will get t u ú ü ű v letters while pressing the 8.

  • The preinstalled firmware didn't let me to change the beep volume, now this problem is fixed, but older models were still louder.

  • When entering the To-do list from the Calendar, after exiting you get to the mysterious My files menu, with Gallery, Media and Organiser, and without the 2nd menu item...

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Trackback: 9Club.Co 2019.06.04. 04:41:57

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Pingback: I Organize » Blog Archive » Nokia 6500 classic sw ver. 04.80 bugreport 2008.01.09. 03:36:02

[...]together some major bugs from the 04.80 firmware, Nokia 6500 classic. The list can be found here: http://janolabs.blog.hu/2008/01/08/nokia_6500_classic_sw_ver_4_80_bugreport Please feel free to post bugs you found to this … Read the rest of thi…


A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

mzs 2008.01.16. 08:32:25

After the firmware update I couldn't find the Hungarian language! (only 4 languages... chineese and melayu...)
How can I upload Hungarian language and why isn't on the list??? (in the previous firmware v 03.21 there was Hungarian too!!)

Jano Labs · http://janolabs.blog.hu/ 2008.01.20. 17:03:05

Software version 04.84 is out, but none of my bugs were fixed...

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